Yep, despite all evidence to the contrary, neoliberal trashing of the environment is top priority with this lot. All we can do is to keep putting in submissions against the insanity, and encouraging all New Zealanders to vote in two years' time. Somehow, voter apathy has to be overcome, and people need to realise that not voting is actually a vote for the political right, because the right's supporters always vote.

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Sadly, way too true Judy. And what also lets the Gnats in is the inequality of when Electoral votes are split. National votes splitting usually mostly only go one way ... to ACT. Whereas any split of Labour votes gets shared around The Greens, TPM, NZF, and other minor Party's.

So, so important to get out and vote come Election Day, because as I always say, you know for sure that the other sides will be out in force voting. Apathy wins zilch ! JMO

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We're all failing on climate change! Only one party really cares about making structural change to halt our inexorable march into ecological oblivion and they are regularly vilified as a group of nutters. 14% of voters is a tragic reflection of trust in Green Party initiatives to halt this march. Far too many people interested in their next luxury item, new car, and holidays abroad to give a damn about their children's future on thus fragile planet

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Agree 💯 & I'm so sick of hearing people scoffing at other people discussing climate change it's so exasperating.

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Natz lied about their environment plans pre election to garner votes, they actually dont care in the slightest. They have proven in twelve months that they have no vision for Aotearoa beyond their donors wish list.

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Rather than save the planet the sponsors of this government seek to extract as much as they can before life as we know it crashes to an end. They are all culpable but the rhetoric of Shane Jones (Mine Fuhrer) is especially irksome - totally at odds with te ao Māori

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Of course, another result of climate change is wildfire. Over the past few years I hav led several deputations to our Community Board and Council regarding flammable plantings on Banks Peninsula, and the increasing risk of fire. However, it seems that anybody can plant anything anywhere, and there are no provisions for people to remove highly flammable vegetation and replace it with something less flammable. Finally the answer was that it all rests with central government who have said they are not prepared to legislate. I doubt that the LA fires will change this government's attitude, even though it is more tangible than sea-level rise.

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Bryan, your article today reminds me so much of Trump's past record and attitude regarding Climate Change, along with Australian ex Prime Minister Tony Abbot, both not giving a toss about their Grandchildren's futures. Their only focus driven by Greed and lust for Profits, and to hell with the consequences. They won't be around by the time Mother Nature has finished with us.

And Mr. porn-king Shane Jones can aggressively shout that he's the Big Kahuna now all he wants, but his Day of Reckoning is also looming. He's as guilty, if not more so, as any of them who pander to their Lobbying Donors, ahead of Common Sense and The People.

Going off topic a bit, but I believe the first four words of your Headline today sum up quite nicely the current state of the Nation. Scary part being that this CoC has another full Year in continuing to wreak havoc upon us, before Lollipops Election Year 2026 begins ... where we can all look forward to all the usual broken promises, and mud-slinging in order to win over our vote ... Fun times if things weren't so serious !

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The really appalling aspect is that so many believe in what this mob are doing. I have friends who vehemently disagree with any criticism. They espouse this government’s views that it’s all Labours fault etc. Libertarian neoliberalism has a firm hold on the ‘I’m rich so I’m sorted’ group. To motivate those of us who think otherwise is relatively easy as we can see the damage as it’s happening. The real problem is how to motivate those who are disconnected from politics and don’t vote. Social media was potentially a route to them but with Trumpism influencing change to FB and that idiot and X, I despair sometimes.

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I echo your concerns. Those who deliberately disenfranchise themselves have a miriad of reasons for their non participation but I suspect in large part it has to do with alienation from a political system that for the most part chooses to ignore their reality. I think both major parties in NZ have a lot to answer for since both messages demonstrably fail to resonate with this demographic.

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I'm extremely annoyed that I no longer a choice as to which party I vote for. Because I now have great grandchildren who will in the future, have to live with whatever mess we make of our planet. The Green party appears to be alone in at least attempting to deal with the mess we've made & so I have to vote for them. Given the state of our world, there surely should be a similar concern from other political parties, but so far nothing likely to actually help. And so, despite being miffed at the stunning lack of choice I will again have to vote Green next time. This must be a one term govt, & the next one must committ to undoing the damage this lot have done.

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You'd think it was logical to vote for a party that actually has climate change as a central concern with members who work on developing policy that supports how to deal with it across multiple areas. But, apparently, that's just nutty and costs too much.. So, instead, we are literally paying the earth for our folly. The more of us who vote Green, the stronger the climate voice will be.

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How much damage can these entitled idiots do before we vote them out? It's scary, and I try not to think what the consequences will be. There has to be a list for the next government to follow - under urgency, of course - so all these selfish, rapacious, damaging laws can be repealed.

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I liked the comment from IAG CEO the other day - government and councils need to stop letting people build in dumb places.

The more climate change impacts we get, the more ‘dumb’ places will have housing on them.

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Terrifying stuff! I despair. Did send in my submission against the Regulatory Standards Bill - which will, if successful, only give this idiotic neoliberal government more power to create havoc and destroy precious land and sea resources. I wish there was a whole lot more I could do… it’s exhausting trying to push against it! However, we must!!

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What a great selection of comments, all valid and deserving of support! Well done, all of you!!

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'She'll be right' Bryan - that future magical climate fix will burst onto the scene with a great big 'poof' just in time.....or they realise that this current CoC will have been voted out and it will be Labour/Green's problem for which they will point many fingers at and shout loudly..

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I think a lot of people just don't want to know they just turn a blind eye unless it personally effects the way they live their life then they stay in denial ostrich with head in sand .

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