I continue to be mystified how Seymour can wield such influence in this government. His party has a small percentage of the vote, and given the controversy this particular bill has created, one can only assume that Luxon, despite his claimed distaste for it, is actually quite happy to have the divisiveness it's causing to continue. Luxon either lacks a spine, as suggested in an earlier comment, or he's a lot more devious and dishonest than he'd like the country to believe. Neither is good.

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Because Luxon is weak, politically illiterate, unintelligent, and desperate for popularity and acclaim. AirNZers, like my partner, know this from bitter, first-hand experience. They were trying to tell people this from the moment he was parachuted into the LOTO role. No-one listened.

All his talk about leadership, business acumen, mergers & acquisitions, "big rocks and laser focus" - they've heard it all before; they've seen him in action. He's brutal, unforgiving, sociopathic and narcissistic. The entire CoC is all built on sand.

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This is so sad and very worrying

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Agree 💯

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Well said Judy!!

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If Luxon was in possession of a Spine he would kill this ludicrous Bill dead right now .Aside from the projected financial cost of $4m , there is the societal harm that allowing this to fester will cause, and embolden further scum like Hobson's pledge etal.

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He's so dependent on Act for his tax-paid perks and political survival, it's highly unlikely he'll do anything that's morally or ethically right. Await the u-turn on his original promise...

The greater force that is bearing down on AoNZ, however, is Atlas. Denying indigenous rights is wholly contrary to Big Oil and Big Mining - Atlas' funders and its entire raison d'etre. Witness Australia's Voice To Parliament where 60% support evaporated to 40% when Atlas worked their black magic. Now that we seem to have signed up to a six-month "consultation", just watch as the rhetoric, the dirty games and the pressure explode over our people.

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Sorry - Upholding indigenous right is wholly in keeping with etc ....

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Absolutely agree Peter!!

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Spot on Bryan😊👍 The problem is Seymour wants us to believe equity and equality are the same - they are not😏🤔

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First, you oppress a people for over 200 years, removing land, language and customs, then you turn around and declare that they have exactly the same opportunities as the oppressor, so get over it. Oh, and that agreement we signed back then - well, times have changed and we don't like it any more. Tough. Te Tiriti is an impediment to untrammelled exploitation, so the people behind this are doing everything they can to get rid of it. It's a protection for us all, not just tangata whenua.

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The parallel between Scotland and Aotearoa New Zealand is an excellent historical comparison. The whole exercise is also such a frustrating waste of money when it could be better spent in so many other ways.

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Agree Cheryl!!

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Exactly Bryan. Thanks for addressing this. I did my best to explain such an understanding to a family member in business, staunch right-wing. Yes the old saying is put “I worked hard for what I have etc.”. I put it in the context of my life - “I couldn’t recall mixing with Māori children, only recall one at my school,(who was bullied because he had a runny nose and no shoes) other than a basketball team from a private Māori school which we had no show against. That we simply took it for granted we had a warm home plenty to eat, would go to high school and there would be a job in due course. That we gained confidence of our trajectory from our parents. There were ‘opportunities’ with easy access. ‘Don’t know what Māori are talking about wanting their land back, that was history.’ As most of we immigrants were conditioned to think. Then the resulting ramifications from all of those colonialism effects of denigration, all that we pakeha gain strength from. Generation upon generation. That is where the need now is to raise this race up to catch up with our ‘opportunities’. Seymour and his conspirators have sold out to business interests in so doing making it a free-for-all in those areas the Treaty puts Māori at the forefront of indigenous rights and entrenching a particular voter in his camp.

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And Seymour neglects to mention in this wonderful world of equal opportunity that if you have Squillions of dollars (and your name is Gibbs) you have much more say in the direction that this country moves…

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Well said, Mr Bruce.

Seymour(8%) could not give a stuff about NZ or its people. He is dancing to the tune of the Atlas network to gain unfettered access for International corporates to strip bare our very few remaining shared assets like water and fishing.

Like the Scots in the highland clearance, the Waikato-Tainui had 480000 hectares confiscated (stolen) during the Waikato Wars. Grey at the time said it was “punishment” for the rebellion. Nah, never for punishment always, (knowing a little bit of British history) done to enable all the spivs and speculators to move in to carve it up for massive profits. The Treaty stops Seymour(8%) at the moment. He is trying to have a 2024 version of this to circumnavigate the Treaty for all the speculators to move in on our remaining assets.

With only 8% of the vote he has already had the gun laws that Labour brought in to avoid another Christchurch Mosque shooting watered down, and this morning that odorous female Mc Kee who is an Act Party member, also tied in with the gun lobby stated that she has not ruled out bringing back the banned type of military weaponry. Not ruled it out yet, no doubt waiting for instructions from the Gun Lobby. Also, Seymour(8%) with only 8% has managed to re-introduce Charter Schools. As these schools don’t have to employ qualified teachers, don’t be surprised if ultra-right-wing Oh Lordy Lordy Yankee Zionist/Christian Fundamentalist “instructors” are imported to teach in these schools, and the next thing that will happen, the Atlas Network through Seymour(8%) will insist that religious dumbing down bullshit like creation be a science subject and taught alongside evolution in all our schools as it is in some of the states in America.

My concern is, that every brain dead red neck will support Seymour(8%) without thinking of the consequences and what it will do to future NZ

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Very well stated Bryan, something I shall pose to some redneck Scottish folks I grew up with, thankyou

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That heading could been for something novel length!

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Excellent piece Bryan, and it would be completely lost on Mr Seymour hiding, as he does, behind a distant Maori whakapapa while claiming that race plays no part in life outcomes.

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I'm also Scottish by family - McArthur is my family name and my family tree is full of Scottish names from the Hughlands and Lowlands. My understanding of my sons' Kai Tahu whakapapa comes from an understanding of my Scottish tree. I think a large part of the prejudice that Simple Seymour plays on comes from a lack of sense of history - personal, political and national. If Luxon and his "education" minister succeed in dumbing down our curriculum to the basics, this ignorance will continue to create division in our society.

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Thanks, Bryan, you've explained the situation so well, and very clearly. With my Irish background, I can completely relate to your Scots heritage, and the accompanying history, also inflicted by the English, whose forebears have/had a lot to answer for! In "the colonies" they compounded the difficulties by picking up people from one colony and plonking them down in another, thus creating even more complicated "invasion" issues. In Fiji, the ethic problems still abound, between those descended from the native Fijian population and those descended from the Indian indentured workers brought to Fiji by the English colonizers. In NZ, the original English colonizers encouraged Scots and Irish, who'd all been forced off their lands by the English in the first place, to up stakes again, take a gamble and come to NZ, to land they'd been falsely promised by people like Edward Gibbon Wakefield, who was an utter scoundrel, anyway! I could go on and on. . . .

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I mean, Uncle Seymour is kind of correct when he talks about Māori often being treated differently in the workplace etc....just not in the way he thinks.

I am legitimately concerned that this bill will "brexit" it's way into law. I hope NOT!

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