Well said and completely accurate. This needs to be made shareable, and our government needs to be held to account for the needless pain and future disaster it is inflicting. Maybe we could encourage people to send copies of this article to every coalition MP, repeatedly, so they might just possibly get the message. Why on earth they are following the failed Tory model from the UK and the disastrous governance of the US, when both have been shown to be horrible failures, escapes me. Oh, no, wait, there's capital gains to be made for them and their rich mates, so that makes everything OK...

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You are so bang on with your analysis. I love reading your articles. I share what I can. They have cut 1000's of public sector jobs, cut budgets to health care, which as you wisely noted, will cost new nurses jobs as one consequence... where will they go? Australia? I hear so many complaining about people leaving NZ, but if that is what they need to do to get employment, then power to them. Our health care system is in dire need of staff to relieve pressure and these three stooges are making it all worse, not better. Luxon sat on Q and A repeating the same rhetoric, same phrases.... such a poor leader. I agree this article should be shareable... please... I want to post it to my Facebook page.

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Yes ... and these ABSOLUTE IDIOTS do not count the social cost of crime, nor social disorder in their corporate spreadsheets ..

I have a PhD, A Masters in International Business, two undergrads in engineering and science, and 8 years doing aid work in Latin America, 10 years leading corporates ... and these idiots in power are silver spooners with NFI of reality.

so lets put opinion aside ( hard for me with such idiots in power ... but here I go... back to my research teachings in Masters and PhD and years of supervising PhDs around the world)

1- USA , Nationals and ACT's ideal ... has the lowest tax rates, but highest shootings, highest homeless, highest incarceration, worst health care IN THE WORLD.

BUT ... Finland, Sweden, Denmark, ( who copied our education and heath systems in the 70's) have the SAFEST, RICHEST, societies in the WORLD

And who built our society? ... MY parents and their pairs ... paying 60% or more tax on the highest 20% of earners... they built our roads, our geothermal, our power, our hydros ..... exactly what Scandanavia did ....BUT they retained ownership of their resources ... not like our numbskulls of today .... dating back to Douglas)

so simple ...... but so damn hard in the face of ATLAS funded hype and self servicing spoilt little boys in right wing power

... and for the rug pullers claiming I am a blunger 'leibour" supporter ....

im in the highest 5% of earners in NZ.... and am happy to pay DOUBLE the tax I do.

NZ is our grass roots.... without our grass roots we ARE NOTHING


oh and a 5th Generation pakeha on both sides of the family .. back to the first 5 ships to land here from the west....

100% behind the Hikoi... I AM KIWI THANKS TO MAORI ...THANK YOU!

Te mana ki a korua

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Absolutely Logan. We must not be silent.

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Absolutely and 100% agree! We are also in the top end of earners and are so willing to pay more tax to keep this country green and great! I marched in the Hikoi here in Auckland and was proud to be a pakeha walking alongside in support of the Maori. I don't have the history you do here, but I am a dual citizen, originally from Canada - another colonised country that did much worse harm to the indigenous population. New Zealand would not be the country it is without the Maori culture and language. Thanks for speaking up!

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Brilliant 👍👍👍

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Great comment thank you🙏🏽😊

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Logan, thank you. Great post. I much admire the Scandanavian countries with their progressive social policies.

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Great questions that should have been asked immediately. It seems that the plan is to sanction citizens off the list (to bring numbers down as per one of their ‘goals’) rather than actually put them in jobs - that’s the way they roll…

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Well written Bryan. It's a pity that as per usual, this Government chooses to focus their attentions upon the less-well-off within this Country. While turning their as per usual blind eye to the better-than-well-off's and their tax-dodging activities. It's laughable that this Government now chooses to address our Country's rising Unemployment figures, by now introducing Case Management as the "Cure-all" to the situation. And trying to sell to the Public that this is a new idea, and taking credit for it ... OMG, Case Managers were around years ago, so there's nothing new about this "brainwave" of an idea. Case Managers were around when the Minister was but a mere baby girl. As with most privileged Politicians born with proverbial Silver Spoons, they have absolutely no idea about Unemployment and the struggles involved with such, but are more than content to Laud it over everyone less-well-off and pour scourn all over them, all while turning that blind eye to their rich-b****h mates fleecing the System. Most folk don't choose to be unemployed ... some might, but most not ! ! Government needs a reality check, but they never will JMO

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You do have to wonder at a govt which, having done away with a large-ish number of jobs has now decided to, in standard Nat fashion, gleefully embark on a a bit of beneficiary bashing. You have to feel for some of those recently made redundant people who will be having their first encounter with WINZ, which is likely to come as quite a shock. And, realistically, requiring people to uproot themselves & their families from their homes, schools, friends & neighbours in order to get a job is bordering on plain cruelty. Meanwhile their glorious leader continues to constantly spout standard B & B (Bluster & BS) rather than actually address the situation. May they be a one term govt, & may we then have a govt willing to closely emulate those Nordic countries with the high taxes...& the happiest people.

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Agree Bryan this country has definitely gone to hell in a hand basket & still going down what a bunch of morons this country has put into power. The PM is a useless lazy man who just makes stuff up.I thought Jack Tame did a great job on Q&A on Sunday of making him look like the stupidest PM on the planet.

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Thanks Bryan, perfectly explained and pertinent questions that should be answered. Luxon basically said that people will need to move if jobs are elsewhere, so no consideration for the stress placed on individuals to be pushed away from their whanau/friends and all their supports. Absolutely ridiculous!

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Luxon might have to move back to the US when he gets kicked out of office!

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Excellent piece Bryan. As with all things CoC it is ALWAYS the victims fault. That one statistic concerning graduating nurses is a most absurd fact at a time when we are screaming for extra nursing to alleviate the appalling workload of those across the country

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An excellent article Bryan, all too true 😔. Then again, on the positive, there will be more jobs as caseload managers available.... 🤔😜 This government's specialisation seems to be to put an ambulance under cliffs (not too many ambulances though.. Not good for the economy though, too slow! )

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"road cone logic" is a phrase I came up with a few months ago, in relation to the governments idea of banning the use of road cones around.... road works.

We are seeing this same type of logic applied throughout all sectors of our society.

-problems with gangs, ban gang patches.

-higher rates of code black in EDs across the country, remove the code black metric.

-Unable to reach child poverty targets, lower them.

-want to reduce number of people in emergency housing, kick them out of emergency housing.

We will see the same thing happen with unemployment rates.

-Don't want the number of people on benefits to increase, kick them off benefits.

It is all the same road cone logic.

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Love your thinking! Can I use this?

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You are most welcome to do so 😊🙏

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Thanks Bryan🙏🏽 Your post is spot on - why are there so many that cannot comprehend this🤔😏

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Exactly on the button Bryan. I was annoyed questions weren't made. What has happened to the quality of journalists at this time?

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Plain good sense - this government has no idea of common sense or the real economics of economies and austerity with ideology and confident hopes.

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Sorry, a bit late with this response. I have long promoted a universal basic income (UBI) which would do away with all kinds of problems. The idea is that every citizen and permanent resident would receive an income equivalent to the Super. If they also have a job, their tax rate on that income starts at 25% (or whatever). The money is paid into a bank account automatically, so there is no need for case workers, fraud investigations or Work and Income shopfronts guarded by security. (Right there is a huge saving.) There would be no restrictions on where you live or who you live with, whether or not you have a job or 'deserve' support. With UBI, everyone has enough to survive. Small businesses and even bigger ones will thrive because people have money to spend. Some people (the entitled rich) think that giving people money will just make them lazy, but trials of this system around the world show that people are more likely to eat well, work at what they love and get involved in their communities. They are healthier, less likely to commit crimes and more likely to be productive members of society. I see UBI as each person's share in the wealth of our country, like a dividend payment.

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