Absolutely spot on Bryan. Your points highlight the reason this life long socialist no longer votes Labour! I agree with all but your assessment of Luxon. My take is he's been a wolf in sheep's clothing, every but as complicit in ACT and NZF vilification of Maori, Te Tiriti and anything else that gets in the way of a rapacious hunger to strip this country of any semblance of equity or 'socialism' in the broadest understanding of the word. User pays is to be championed and to hell with those without financial means to play the game. A VERY bleak future

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Good read Bryan.

I saw a snippet of Seymour on the what-we-have-left-of-the-News-to-watch on the telly the other night, and what ever he was on about, it reeked of EVERYTHING has to fit in with how David wants the World to be ... David's perfect World for us all ... according to him.

And his way is the ONLY WAY seemingly. He seems to be very unaware that we all live in a very SHARED world, with varying Cultures, thoughts, and opinions. He has absolutely no tolerance of anyone who might hold an opinion or way of things other than his.

His talk is cheap, and his actions speak way louder.

So also in my questioning thoughts lately regarding our current Politicians, though mostly those within the CoC, is as to how many of them hold Shares or some other means of Interest (mostly indirectly I'd imagine) in these Foreign Companies that are so dead-set on entering our Country in order to rape and pillage our Resources for their maximum gain. Untraceable Back-handers included, separate from the obvious Lobbying Donations from such interested Companies. Just things I wonder about.

And yes, in reading various comments and feed-back over the past few weeks, I too am starting to see and worry that Labour has lost it's focus, and is swinging way more Right away from it's primary principles ... a cause of concern.

Have a great day everyone in what was once called Paradise. Hold strongly onto HOPE as it is mostly HOPE that we are left with ... Kia kaha

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Thanks Colin If they have conflicts of interest in share it should be in the parliamentary pecuniary register

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Too true Bryan, "should be" being the operative wording, lol. I'm just reminded of Minister Woods in the last Labour Govt. who got caught out with "undeclared's" and then took forever to correct the situation. But I'm picking he wouldn't be the only one doing the same. Nats who had forgotten Donations made to their Campaign Fundings, and only found out way, way later. Nats breaking down one big Donation into several smaller amounts so as to avoid "declaring". Or was that NZFirst?

Can we trust Politicians being the bigger question ...

My thoughts wander as to how easy is it for any of them to "cut-a-deal" with remote relatives maybe, best mates etc. and this is where I mention the "indirect" aspect of it all.

The number of times I heard John Key prattle on about Blind Trusts that he was involved with also, but seemingly he had absolutely no knowledge, clue, or awareness as to what was in, or actually held in any of those Trusts.

Most corruption beginning at the top.

Even non-political, Mike Bungay, prominent Wellington Lawyer, now deceased, but it was common knowledge at the time that he had his cars etc. registered under his pet Dogs name ...

Ways and means around everything ... especially if one knows the loop-holes. Cheers

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But sometimes they “forget”…

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He wants freedom of speech… as long as it aligns with his.

Funny how the right screams this from the rooftops, and often it’s offensive and belittling speech towards anyone who doesn’t agree with them.

I have a mantra from my law enforcement days… Be nice first, then be nasty. If you’re nasty to people first, you’ll never be able to be nice and get them to understand your side of the conversation.

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Excellent analysis Bryan. I agree we need to organise, as you and other politics watchers urge. Do you have any suggestions as to how we begin this mahi?

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Perhaps start by conversations with your friends and whanau and sharinhg links to posts films and podcasts that point up the issue. In 2026 I thought I might try to organise a road show not only focusing on the economic and social issues but how to vote strategically to get the progressive wheel turning.

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Mōrena. Regarding your comments on MMP, could the issue be that corporate media and many political commentators and the two largest political parties are still living in a first past the post world? Coupled, this time., with Mr Luxon's lust for power at any cost. (Although changing electorate voting to single transferable vote would be good).

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I fear it’s not only the two largest political parties that continue to live in a first-past-the-post political world. It seems to me that they all do, and that the only way forward is for the centre-left parties find a way to work together for the sake of Aotearoa and stop competing with each other - become haumi / allies rather than adversaries. Perhaps this is one place we need to begin the mahi.

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I’m with you Andrew! Many thanks Bryan - as always you state the realities of this dishonest and despicable government plainly. but the question is, how do we get that 50 percent of non-voters to vote at the earliest opportunity?

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It begins, I think Judith, by talking with friends and whanau who don't vote and sharing links to films,posts etc

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This morning I finished reading Into the magic shop, Dr. James R Doty (which isn't quite like any other book I've read) & which had an emphasis on compassion & empathy.

When I came online, your post was the first thing I read, & it struck me that there are similarities between what I've read & learned over the years,& the situation here. I think probably it comes down to one word - fairness.

We need a system which is fair to all of us, & at present that is sorely lacking, & worse, shows no sign of changing unless we have a change of govt.

Perhaps it may be time to make voting compulsory.

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I don’t think compulsory voting would make much difference. It would probably have the same impact as a speeding ticket. 😓

People need to be educated as to why it’s important. Chuck in some history, but it absolutely has to be unbiased. Start with schools. Kids might even pass the knowledge on to their parents?

It has to be simple and designed for the appropriate target audience.

I’ve subscribed to a few Substack authors now, but I tend to only read the “simple” ones, because I just don’t have the time to read lengthy articles. Also I’ve had a head injury and if they are filled with academic speak, I’m even less likely to read them, unless I’m REALLY interested in the topic.

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Hi Bryan. Agreed. I have always been Labour but last election I voted Green because Labour just wasn’t representative of me anymore. It looks as though Chippie is trying to bring them back to the original core values though, hopefully. The current situation is such an insult to the hopes of the original European settlers, who were trying to get away from all this and create a land of equal opportunity and fairness. Personally I feel like the US has way too much influence on us, and it’s not positive.

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I am currently reading Hitler's Tyranny by Ralf Georg Reuth 2021. I was reading this book then transfered to your Sunday Long Read and felt I was stepping back and forward into history. It was a chilling moment. With the Pandemic there was a hope that Basic Income could be a new tangent to explore. A petition for a Basic Income was launched and 13,000 signatures were obtained. Grant Robertson mentioned the possibility of Basiç Income and though Grant has an interest in this possibility he didn't take it forward. I did see an opinion piece that suggested if a political party had a Basic Income policy that Party would romp in. Unfortunately, I can't find this article again. TOP had a good BI policy two elections ago, but watered it down for the last election. I enjoy the Sunday Long Read.

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Thank you for the clear overview. I need the talking points.

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I put positive ticks alongside most of what you have written here, Bryan. But I only put question marks against your comments when writing about the Labour Party. Although there are 'left' elements there, it can no longer be called a party of the left. Did the people who stayed at home on voting day do so because "I'm a bit fed up with you this time"? Or was it out of a deeper sense of needing a socialist alternative (not just 'in the broadest understand of the word", Mike) that not only makes a vague offer of power to the people, but really will deliver when it has been given the authority to do so. I long for that day!

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Foreign financial powers designed our democracy in such away they could end up owning everything and controlling everyone.

The fact that our money supply remains privately owned originated as loans to privately owned banks at the primary step before all else happens is the main basis of the unlevel playing field.

We are repeatedly told we as a population are not productive enough, when the fact of the matter is the privately owned banks have used economy of scale privileges to deliberately loan us more credit than they know we could ever sustainably service to first bleed us dry by interest extraction, then gain ownership of everything under bankruptcy receivership.

If we do not prosecute the banking sector counterfeit credit writing fraud and receive some debt relief under the proceeds of crime act, we will sure as the sun comes up end up owning nothing and paying an extortionate Kings ransom to even be allowed to exist.

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They cannot abide constructive criticism or analysis because they have no answer. They relish the abuse because a) It's tells them they are on track and b) it gives them the opportunity to say there is no reasoned debate just abuse... Look what we and our families are putting up with on your behalf. Keep the informed criticism coming because MZme won't

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Nailed it. As usual 🙏

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Well writ Bryan. With respect to point #2 I enjoyed a couple of sentences from Sarah Kendzior (on Substack of course) writing of the US election result - very relevant for Labour! “ but the main reason is that Democrats are seen as the Party of Betrayal. Republicans will screw you openly. Democrats pretend to have your back and then stab it. “

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Thank you Bryan

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I don’t think MMP is the problem. It’s just the wrong coalition is in government.

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Very well said.

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