I read recently that the main supporters of fascism (and it’s younger sibling populism) are the downwardly mobile, so Labour especially must recognise that ordinary voters are (or feel they are) in struggle street. So you are quite correct, system change must be sold to the masses - and that won’t be easy given the media power exerted by the wealthy few…

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A great read, so very well explained.

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Thanks Bryan.

Hannah Arendt wrote that Himmler was emblematic of how totalitarian regimes normalize evil by making ordinary people prioritize self-preservation and a desire for normalcy over ethical considerations.

The world is unstable; climate change, planetary boundaries being crossed and multiple conflicts make a lot of people feel insecure. So, the populist aiming for totalitarianism sets up the dialogue that only they can restore stability and security.

With former leaders and current government members supporting Trump, we need to be well aware Aotearoa is getting on this track.

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Thanks again Bryan, understandable (although the result in the US isn't!). I hope some of our "Left" read articles like yours and take note, we need to have someone who is not more of the same to vote for. Sooner rather than later would be ideal, but currently there's no effective opposition.

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So good. Clear, thoughtful read. Those stats about “white” voters confirms that racism played a significant role in electing Trump. Especially distressing to see women voting to support that old white supremacist theme - and against their own interests as women (the anti-abortion ticket).

Perhaps a lot of these voters were also very conservative Christians (ironic). What a screwed up country. Defies logic - all of it. Also screwing things up is the decline of capitalism and the American Dream myth - that seems to also get in the way of a sense of community and empathy for others.

Thanks again, for a great read.

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Good read. However, neglected to mention that a huge voter turn-off is the "aid" in the form of those disgusting weapons to Israel to carry out genocide and destabilisation of the Middle East. Many young, Arab, and concious voters, couldn't in good faith, vote for a leader not committing to doing something about Israel. Trump says he will "finish" the problem, whatever that means. It was STILL more than what Harris said on the matter. Her "I'm speaking" is way out of step with what undecided voters wanted. She SHOULD be saying "I'm listening. What are your concerns?" Trump knows what fires his voter base up, marketing (not business) is his forte. Say what they want to hear and they will listen. Say something else somewhere else, and they don't care because he already has them onboard. 'The most important customer is the one standing in front of you'. Harris lost an election by being "joyful" with celebrities leaving Trump to win because he talked to people directly. Personally, I think that a woman with gumption, ethics, and substance, (aka different to other politicians) would have won if they have those sorts of leaders in American politics. By that, I mean within the two party system as voting for a 3rd party seems a bridge too far for most voters.

Now we wait to see what shitstorm unfolds. One thing I do think is that this gives something for the lefties to unite and rally against, and to find their old roots and a new leader to speak to the people again.

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The US is just not ready for a Female President, let alone one of colour. The poor sad deluded fools, I read an interesting article on what possible dangers will arise with Musk being so close to trump.

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Another great article Nick 😂 (sorry, I had to…).

I will be extremely disappointed if Labour doesn’t take heed of what is happening around the world in politics.

Ordinary people have had enough with doing it tough, and rightly or wrongly, are voting for change. Unfortunately most voters don’t seem to have memory, or foresight, to see that the alternative option is not actually going to benefit them.

Elon Musk’s involvement worries me, but I’m curious to see how it plays out. He may anger Trump and get fired, but he’s likely to do some damage before that. As for health being put under Kennedy, with his pet brain-worm… sheesh…

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The person I am most concerned about is JD Vance .. 😵😵‍💫

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A good read but calling anything slightly left of the extreme right as the Left is mistaken. For the last 40yrs in NZ, both major parties have been driven by extreme right (neoliberal) economic theory. Comments of economic direction, PPPs and the free market by Grant Robertson were strikingly similar to those of Margaret Thatcher (and no one called her Left). The Labour Party uses some mildly left socially progressive policies (mainly around identity and sexuality) to mask its individualistic and extreme right economic agenda. The National Party openly states the same economic agenda and replaces the socially progressive with 'bash the beneficiary' and some racist garbage (that appeals to their mainly older white voters).

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Great analysis Bryan🙏🏽😊

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The actual voting figure from the US elections tell a different story from what the media is trying to tell us. While Trump won in a landslide he didn't actually increase his vote from the 2020 election - 74,248,093 this time versus 74,223,975 for 2020. What actually happened was the complete collapse of the Democratic vote, 70,343,879 versus 81,283,501 (figures from Associated Press). So rather then an endorsement Trump it is more a rejection of Harrris as a candidate. Simply put the thought of a woman of colour running the country was a step too far for many traditional Democratic supporters. I have been reading about a wholesale shift of allegiance to Trump by the Hispanic voters, so if that is the case, there must have been an equal number of Republicans who didn't vote at all.

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Mmmm...or did voters stay home and not vote? It's still hard to get absolute numbers yet but the percentage of eligible voters actually casting their vote is down on 2020 when Trump was voted out of power by about 7 million votes. Were those people Democrats or Republicans? I don't know. What we do know is of the 224 million eligible voters only 168.42 million actually voted and something of the order of 56 million did not cast a vote. NZ does better with a 78.2% turnout rate compared to the USA elections 64.5% but even so , that's a lot of people, in both countries who for one reason or another didn't cast a vote and therein, I think, lies a problem for democracy.

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A very eloquant analysis!

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Thanks Bryan.

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Thanks, Bryan, appreciate you breakdown regarding the tariffs. It's surprising how many people seem to not understand the implications of such tariffs.

I hope NZ will lean into being even more of a bigger trading partner with China & not worry with the USA. I know China has established relationships with he so called BRICS countries, good on them!

I think the best we can hope for is like last time, DT had a whole lot of broken election promises. Lets hope more of the same & he just spends an exponential amount of time on the golf course instead.

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I agree about China & note that our foreign minister as not yet made a visit that is disgraceful. They're are busy cosying up to the States for what!!! maybe one of their wars? Great article Bryan I agree with all of it 😁😁😁.

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I agree with every word you've written here, Bryan!

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