Again, something that needs to be shared. The crazed focus on 'austerity' measures (for all but the already wealthy) has wrecked the UK and the US and we have been daft enough to keep electing governments that are determined to do the same stupid thing. The current coalition takes prizes for meanness, shortsightedness and, sadly, increasing levels of corruption. We need to do better.

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Absolutely agree Judy!!

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Thank you for sharing some historical context about our public health system.

This really should be taught as part of our civics/social studies curriculum in schools. It's so important.

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Awesome read Bryan, and one that hits way too close to home sadly. Hugely informative never-the-less. Early last month, my pelvic area was x-rayed, the results showing what they describe as "Severe" bone on bone in both of my hip joints, hence my Osteo-Arthritis and 24/7 pain. My Doctor then referred my results to the local Orthopedic Department, and I have recently viewed their reply back to my Doctor. Their reply commences with "At capacity" and then goes on to say that after intense consideration, that there is no place for me to be seen, and to apply again should my condition worsen. Their letter makes several references to "insufficient resources" and "lack of resources"..... So they don't want a bar of me at the end of the day, which comes down to My Pain, My Problem, Live With It. Oh, and they did also suggest that going "Private" would probably be a more viable option. If only, everything being possible in hindsight, and as I haven't won Lotto yet, means personally that going "Private" is not an option. Seems to me that all the Taxes gathered to cover such things as Health, Education, Roading and so on, PAYE, GST etc., goes now on paying massive Salaries and bonuses to CEO's and endless Consultants and the like rather than on what they're supposedly being gathered for... the betterment of each and every Department for the Public. Have a great day everyone, out there in the madness of it all.

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I am very sorry to hear of your situation Colin but thank you for speaking out and giving a personal story to highlight what is fast becoming a national shame.

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Cheers Bryan, appreciated. Sadly it's seeming like these days that it's not only our Health System that is broken and falling to bits, but the same applies to everything that our successive Governments are involved with. The problem with me is that I'm old enough to remember other times, older times, better times, where less was more, and way more caring times....

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They test the private option in the first instance. So push back.

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Thanks Cheryl, your comment makes a lot of sense, and all for the wrong reasons. Certainly, I'll give things a go ... Cheers

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The NZ Herald yesterday had a list of the top paid public servants that run our SOE's - the salaries being paid are manifestly obscene.

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You’ve put this dismal, dishonest system very accurately - some people (the wealthy) don’t believe it! They think we should all work harder…

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My neighbour who happens to be a Maori woman is in exactly the same position as you & they keep sending her to physio for god's sake she's sometimes crying in pain. I suggested she went to a doctor for some cannabis to help with the pain but it's an appalling situation to be in. My 88yr old aunty has taken out a reverse mortgage to pay for her knee replacement she wanted to live what she has left being able to do what she wants you can't take it with you.

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Pauline, how impossible it's all now become. I've been offered Physio also, but then get immediate letters back from them advising me that they're full up, no room. All helps in breaking the Spirit. Seems they kick people while they're already down... Every blessing to your Aunty, and neighbour

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Very good and into the core of the issue--neoliberalism. Also, when I was a member of the Labour Party, I suggested the Universal Declaration of Human Rights should be installed as core of policy making.

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The neoliberals have been playing the long game (since Roger Douglas) with regard to public services like health and education. DHBs and Bulk funding were a step towards financialising the system, then consistent underfunding follows, then ‘privatisation is the solution’ - let the market free… Why would decent human beings allow or vote for changes that bring us towards the situation in the US?

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Yes Keith, it beggars belief!!

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Many thanks, I will remind Luxflakes & Reti of that Declararion and how I am well overdue in returning to my cardiologist. I wonder if it was Leith you were born at Bryan? that was my place of birth in 1952, must have been at around 2y I was taken in an ambulance to hospital with scarlet fever plus contracted measles in the hospital. It was years later that I learnt my horrid ongoing dream was for real - Yelling and fighting with this bossy matron in an ambulance. Then not talking to my father for quite some time thereafter. Since then my life has been saved 3 times by surgeons with further surgeries which would have become life threatening 4 times. Without the removal of a cancerous thyroid gland in my 30’s (which I now suspect was due to the nuclear tests out from Fiji where we lived at that time) life would have been blown out. So as you say ‘where / what would we be without our medics.’ For whom we are not caring enough. Desperately need this rectified.

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Yes Gloria I am a fellow Leither :)

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What a Hoot! Have the Hearing this week for the MMZ zone expansion. Wonder if i’m going to get away with my 16 pages of verbiage.

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It's is always helpful to be reminded of history and how the current situation is created not inevitable. However, it's awful to watch the destruction.

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Agreed, 1948 was indeed an excellent year -I was born in the very same year.

Surely, it should be made illegal to profit from the suffereing of others, since it seems plain decency is no longer enough.

We now have three charity hospitals in this country. Three.

And while it's wonderful that there are still enough people who have sufficient empathy to set them up, it is a shameful thing that they are needed.

We've done better in the past, & we need to do so again. We must work to remove Neoliberalism & repair the damage it's caused.

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Great comments Sue, on the issue of charity hospitals, we wouldn't need them if those with money to set them up had paid their fair share in taxes in the first place. Philanthropy has no place in a sharing society, it only serves to bolster the egos of the filthy rich and ease their conscience as they dole out largesse to their pet projects

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The Deficit Myth by Stephanie Kelton is an interesting read. I think Luxon and Willis could read to update their thoughts on the economy of a country. I think Grant Robertson was exploring newer perspectives with his Well-being Budgets.

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Yes an excellent read - should be compulsory for Politicians!!

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Great read Bryan thanks. With 50% of the worlds wealth hidden in tax havens, its not that we as societies cant afford our social obligations, its because we are being shafted. The french constructed a machine to sort that problem and provide public entertainment.

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The IRD needs to be resourced and unleashed upon the real criminals in Society, those that cheat and don't pay their fare share of Tax.

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Yes I often quote them these days!!

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Agreed Mike, it is astounds me the number of people who with ease turn on the beneficiaries or the privileged Maori as the problem and not the rich paying far less tax than the average NZer. Proves to me that people are too lazy or plain ignorant to want to think critically about the wider picture.

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A very accurate and disturbing expose of how Aotearoa has been hijacked. The pity is that so many Kiwis do not understand that this has happened and continue to blame the dispossessed for their condition and not the rich for causing such disparity

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Time for a discussion about Neo-liberalism as a system. How about a referendum to divine the appetite for replacing it with a political system capable of providing for ALL the nation’s citizens? Perhaps democratic socialism with capital controls, aka Scandinavia, but with some critical software updates for the 21st Century. Such a system would permanently nationalise critical sectors like energy, transport, education, and health. It would embrace Māori and the treaty with integrity stopping division. Promises were made, keep them. Why not leverage the talent of all New Zealanders? To kick things off, a CGT and a restructured tax system to shift the burden away from personal tax. Then get laser focused on investing in, nurturing, and championing initiatives aimed at dramatically increasing productivity. Top priorities: reducing inequality and boosting the standard of living for everyone. Kind of like how New Zealand used to be before it hobbled itself with too much protectionism. Learn from history and make sure the new ‘DS’ system receives the necessary updates to ensure global competitiveness is maintained. Up the R & D spend. Unleash innovation. The Neo-liberalism system of government NZ currently embraces has been hijacked by ‘Capital’ and the system is past its use by date. So maybe, just change it to something that works for the people.

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I participated in a government project in the mid 1990s which was the high tide mark of neoliberalism. It was called output pricing and I helped prove it to be a complete failure. Interestingly the pioneer in the health sector was Dr Levy. It was all quietly shelved a few years later when the Public Finance Act was amended. It was briefly mentioned in Allen Schick’s study of government reforms at about that time.

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Such a great analysis of NZ's 'health system', Bryan! It should be mandatory reading by every MP on all sides of the House of Parliament, and the Director General of every Government Ministry, Department and/or Agency.

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