I made this documentary in 2001 with Ruud in the days before special fx and television was broadcast in 6 x 4 aspect ratio. It was a lot of fun trying to direct insects who didn’t seem to understand my instructions! But Ruud knows so much about how bugs behave he made it really easy for us to get the shots we needed and he is such a good story teller.
Ruud and I might have moved on to other things, but believe me the bugs that live in our houses haven’t!
(PS Check out the Bee flying sequence that the top of the show. This was done before drones and we hung a camera under a model helicopter then superimposed a real bee flying towards a green screen to make it look like it was bothering Ruud. All achieved frame by frame by my post production editor and friend James Brackenbury who has since sadly passed on. Miss you James. This one’s for you . )
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