Sep 17Liked by Bryan Bruce

A number of these Ministers claim they have taken advice when all they are basing their (crazy) decisions on is a ‘reckon’. The other spurious claim is ‘we have a mandate’ - I think the only mandate from the election was that there were a lot of people angry at everything, and that isn’t changing anytime soon

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Sep 17Liked by Bryan Bruce

Great information Bryan, sadly those who make the decisions have made up their mind and no amount of factual evidence will change that. If this is not a saving for the trucking industry then perhaps he has had donations from the funeral federation.

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Sep 17Liked by Bryan Bruce

Where as a Nation have we arrived at when fools like simian brown make decisions like this, when the expert consensus is 180deg from him ? A large proportion of Kiwi drivers are rubbish drivers, arrogant, unsafe and probably need psychological evaluation before being given a drivers licence, I know that sounds harsh, but in my job I am on the roads around Auckland alot and what I see on a daily basis just beggers belief ...

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Sep 17Liked by Bryan Bruce

Simeon is a philistine - he should not be the Min of Transport. He is ideologically driven and not evidence based driven. He will cost lives if speed limits are raised - if he does he should face Manslaughter charges!

The best economic returns for the Country come via road safety and not speed! Road safety should be his focus.

His other focus - the plethora of Roads of National Significance proposed will lead to a negative skew on our climate change obligations and this is another area we must continue our advocacy against him and this transport priority!

His shallow (that’s a deliberate use of this word) understanding of what’s required for our Cook Strait Ferry link - the most critical ‘Road / Rail link of National Significance’ in the Country is about to be derailed if Brown and Willis choose non rail enabled ferries as the future option. They have already wasted $1,000,000,000 million dollars cancelling the ferry contract and the port infrastructure contracts and work! If they go for a non rail

enabled option they will waste further sums even through partial privatisation (an option bound to be on the table), and cost the Country significantly in economic and environmental outcomes. Again Brown needs to be aggressively challenged on this topic!

One can certainly say Brown has not got the competence for his role as the Min of Transport!

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These guys really seem to be libertarian maniacs. Have NZ voters noticed?

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Sep 17Liked by Bryan Bruce

The country has gone to hell in a handbasket with this mad COC whoever would have thought that we would get such a weak PM he's pathetic.

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I don't think he is weak, he wants all this.

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At his relatively young age, minister Simeon Brown demonstrates an immature and ignorant approach to road safety. His moves are more to do with slashing and burning everything and anything that Labour introduced. Evidence is of mo consequence whatsoever. This man is a fundamentalist religious zealot and as such should be barred from making any decisions affecting the lives and welfare of ordinary Kiwis

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But what CAN we do? Flood Brown's inbox??? It's infuriating isn't it.. to have such a government??! !! It shows the total lack of wisdom, respect and reflection of this minister ('government') Then I think: he's only 32 years old and full of his new sense of power. Arrogance to the max 😣.

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Biggest problem with simian brown is that he is an electorate for life , God only knows how long we will have to put up with his nonsense.

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Sep 18Liked by Bryan Bruce

In addition to saying such things as "we have taken advice" Simeon Brown lets slip such statements as "we are going in the opposite direction to the last Government" you can say that again! and probably his most truthful take on it - we must dismantle absolutely everything that the last Government put in place. I suspect he is not always sure why - think of a reason any reason, seems to be the policy justufication.

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18Liked by Bryan Bruce

Thank you, Bryan, for giving us the real facts, yet again. Each of the Cabinet Ministers in this Tripartite Coalition Government seem proud of being 'too busy' to read or otherwise absorb the advice of their own particular ministries/departments. Or, is it that they think they 'know best' - that seems to fit their mantra, "Get the the Country Back on Track". The question remains, literally, what track?

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Hon Simeon Brown, Minister of Transport Deaths

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We are now the laughing stock of the developed world. Where else would really impressive statistical evidence from Waka Kotahi and Auckland transport of the benefits of lowering speeds be dismissed out of hand. This is what the experts think:


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This is a reasonable, balanced, view of the Welsh blanket limit reductions a year on. Ian 'Hubnut' is a motorist but think is fair in his approach


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