I can't help thinking that neo-liberalism has a great deal to do with the unkindness and selfishness that is so prevalent in society. For every post on the appalling school lunch situation that Seymour has brought about there has been a rush of mealy mouthed posts about "why should my tax dollars pay for feeding other people's children" and "if you can't afford children you shouldn't have them". How and why did we become this callous? This government rattles on about "growth, growth, growth". They mean "money, money, money". Tories never seem to understand that the greatest resource for the future of any country is a healthy, educated population. He tangata, he tangata, he tangata.
Agree all 3 of my kids are in schools who receive these meals. The high school my eldest is at receives meals from the new supplier,but the Primary school my youngest 2 kids go to, gets their meals from their original supplier. My observations are that pretty much the families are actually grateful for the support, and not see it as a justification to shirk their responsibility as parents for providing food.In Christchurch, the Council has decided to increase rates again this year,but people's wages or income sources like the pension benefits etc won't get increased to compensate. No doubt other living costs like rent,food,power,insurances will continue to increase too.But its easier to demonise,belittle and make assumptions about others instead of looking at the whole situation.
I feel your tears and rage. There was an insightful quote by Lady Tureiti Moxon recently. Lady Tureiti Moxon contributed the Listener Commentary the week Feb 8- 14 2025. Lady Moxon quoted Dame Tariana Turia saying "Whanau will trust themselves only when they have respect for their ability to be able to do what they need to do for themselves. For too long whanau have had to listen to people telling them everything that was wrong with them, so it was only natural they started to believe it."
I think this thought can be applied widely.
There is no Trust from from our Coalition Government. During Covid Lockdown there were many entrepreneural initiatives. When we do not have enough to help us through, we lose our ability to think ourselves out of a situation. I think citizens must be given the respect to manage choices themselves. This recognition is one of the foundational tenets of Basiic Income.
And it’s those on the lower earning statistics that are suffering the most, of course. Almost HALf of our Pacifica children, for example. Appalling. Of course, this also ties in with the school lunches debacle. Nobody minded if the more hungry of our children took home a leftover lunch at the end of the day.
If the neolibs were completely honest - a foreign concept to them anyway! - they would openly say what they think, which is: if you can't afford to feed your children, then you and they should die, and make more space for us! Their heartless selfishness and greed extends to that level, but they're crafty enough not to actually say it.
It’s not meant to make sense; poor people are either assets (cheap labour and tenants), or liabilities (unable to work or unwell or old) which morph into collateral damage
It's a damn disgrace to a so called democratic country it amuses me when the powers that be criticise places like China when China looks after their own people better than we do.
At the heart of it, there is only one thing which is responsible for the state of ours & other countries which either embraced Neo Liberalism (or had it imposed on them as happened here) & that is greed. Sheer unbridled greed, which apparently renders those afflicted by it unable to have as much as a shred of empathy for others.
And to our shame there are now three charity hospitals in this country, (not that we have them, but that we need them) children going hungry on a regular basis & people struggling to cope on low wages or benefits.
The far right would do well to look at history. Push people too far, inflict too much damage & eventually there comes a point where people will rebel. And that has never ended well for those afflicted by greed.
We bleed collectively in such shame. Again these symptons seens amongst elite political decision-makers suggest a virilent plague of adult hypocrasy , inconsistency and amnesia rendering them very shallow hollow human folk. Standing with you Bryan and with these whanau fono kin
Nailed it Bryan re this (and previous) governments fostering policies for the interests of profit rather than for the well being of society as a whole. Kids going g hungry while landlords and tobacco companies get tax breaks is so so wrong.
A great read and so very true. Sometimes think those politicians of the 80s and 90s were either very naive to be sold neo-liberalism or just saw $$$$$ signs.
Neo-liberalism works on paper, but it doesn't take into account the greed of those at the top 1% and the politicians they buy.
Yes, utterly shameful and in fact this situation has no defense. It disgusts me what has been done to Nz by neoliberalism. For the sake of money-destroying people and the environment. We had so many caring structures over so many aspects pre1984. Believe it I lived in a school house. As housing was provided to teachers and Principals of schools. And I was paid to attend university and teachers college!
I can't help thinking that neo-liberalism has a great deal to do with the unkindness and selfishness that is so prevalent in society. For every post on the appalling school lunch situation that Seymour has brought about there has been a rush of mealy mouthed posts about "why should my tax dollars pay for feeding other people's children" and "if you can't afford children you shouldn't have them". How and why did we become this callous? This government rattles on about "growth, growth, growth". They mean "money, money, money". Tories never seem to understand that the greatest resource for the future of any country is a healthy, educated population. He tangata, he tangata, he tangata.
I've always though that that is the wrong question - which should be 'Why shouldn't our tax dollars help feed other people's children'.
Maggie what a wonderful response - I completely agree with you, and with you Brian!!
Agree all 3 of my kids are in schools who receive these meals. The high school my eldest is at receives meals from the new supplier,but the Primary school my youngest 2 kids go to, gets their meals from their original supplier. My observations are that pretty much the families are actually grateful for the support, and not see it as a justification to shirk their responsibility as parents for providing food.In Christchurch, the Council has decided to increase rates again this year,but people's wages or income sources like the pension benefits etc won't get increased to compensate. No doubt other living costs like rent,food,power,insurances will continue to increase too.But its easier to demonise,belittle and make assumptions about others instead of looking at the whole situation.
Maggie, I completely agree with you dash and entirely with you Bryan!!!
I feel your tears and rage. There was an insightful quote by Lady Tureiti Moxon recently. Lady Tureiti Moxon contributed the Listener Commentary the week Feb 8- 14 2025. Lady Moxon quoted Dame Tariana Turia saying "Whanau will trust themselves only when they have respect for their ability to be able to do what they need to do for themselves. For too long whanau have had to listen to people telling them everything that was wrong with them, so it was only natural they started to believe it."
I think this thought can be applied widely.
There is no Trust from from our Coalition Government. During Covid Lockdown there were many entrepreneural initiatives. When we do not have enough to help us through, we lose our ability to think ourselves out of a situation. I think citizens must be given the respect to manage choices themselves. This recognition is one of the foundational tenets of Basiic Income.
And it’s those on the lower earning statistics that are suffering the most, of course. Almost HALf of our Pacifica children, for example. Appalling. Of course, this also ties in with the school lunches debacle. Nobody minded if the more hungry of our children took home a leftover lunch at the end of the day.
If the neolibs were completely honest - a foreign concept to them anyway! - they would openly say what they think, which is: if you can't afford to feed your children, then you and they should die, and make more space for us! Their heartless selfishness and greed extends to that level, but they're crafty enough not to actually say it.
I agree!
It’s not meant to make sense; poor people are either assets (cheap labour and tenants), or liabilities (unable to work or unwell or old) which morph into collateral damage
It's a damn disgrace to a so called democratic country it amuses me when the powers that be criticise places like China when China looks after their own people better than we do.
At the heart of it, there is only one thing which is responsible for the state of ours & other countries which either embraced Neo Liberalism (or had it imposed on them as happened here) & that is greed. Sheer unbridled greed, which apparently renders those afflicted by it unable to have as much as a shred of empathy for others.
And to our shame there are now three charity hospitals in this country, (not that we have them, but that we need them) children going hungry on a regular basis & people struggling to cope on low wages or benefits.
The far right would do well to look at history. Push people too far, inflict too much damage & eventually there comes a point where people will rebel. And that has never ended well for those afflicted by greed.
Thank you Bryan. Very well said and yes it is utterly shameful. I'm very appreciative of your fighting the good fight.
We bleed collectively in such shame. Again these symptons seens amongst elite political decision-makers suggest a virilent plague of adult hypocrasy , inconsistency and amnesia rendering them very shallow hollow human folk. Standing with you Bryan and with these whanau fono kin
Nailed it Bryan re this (and previous) governments fostering policies for the interests of profit rather than for the well being of society as a whole. Kids going g hungry while landlords and tobacco companies get tax breaks is so so wrong.
Erica Stanford's comments regarding the 2 children that Hitch hike to school were rather chilling and callous.
A great read and so very true. Sometimes think those politicians of the 80s and 90s were either very naive to be sold neo-liberalism or just saw $$$$$ signs.
Neo-liberalism works on paper, but it doesn't take into account the greed of those at the top 1% and the politicians they buy.
Shameful indeed . 😞 shared ..Thanks Bryan
Yes, utterly shameful and in fact this situation has no defense. It disgusts me what has been done to Nz by neoliberalism. For the sake of money-destroying people and the environment. We had so many caring structures over so many aspects pre1984. Believe it I lived in a school house. As housing was provided to teachers and Principals of schools. And I was paid to attend university and teachers college!
Excellent documentary thanks Brian. Should be shown on NZ TV.
Thank Jane . It is available on Sky Open which is free to air.