I don't believe she is a "former" gun lobbyist Bryan. She still is while also being a list MP of the Act Party and the fox in charge of the hen house in regards to the portfolio she has been allowed. With the so called tough stance on gangs with enforcing gang patch removal, which just makes them less visible while also allowing the use of guns that we had banned after the Christchurch massacre where do we think this is going to end?

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I find her abhorrent, after the Mosque attacks how anyone could argue that military style semi automatic weapons could be made legal again is simply insane .

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Our PM is a weak POS, we dont have a democracy with 8% pulling the shots, pun intended

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The PM agreed to everything and anything, just to get the job. I sincerely hope these agreements will lead to his premature downfall 🀞🀞🀞

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