Aug 16·edited Aug 17Liked by Bryan Bruce

Getting on in age now, I've lived through the reign of more than a few various NZ Governments. Thought I'd seen everything, that is until this current Coalition Govt. who thrive on rushing major changes through with little or mostly no consultation, with no accountability. All Govt. Depts affected, the Ministers always claim to have consulted certain select groups or people, but never name them. It's so easy to invent fantasy, or non-existent folk or groups if you can't name such.

That said, back to today's subject... and reading through it, I percieve a HUGE conflict of interest(s) in the Ministerships that McKee holds... I have never understood any need for the general NZ population to have any access to semi-auto, or automatic weapons. Military aside, there is no place for them in NZ... simple ! !

To be a part of a Gun Club shooting at a target using any untold amount of shells at one time is NOT target shooting.

Nor is, when it comes to hunting, is riddling an animal with up to 50 shots (or more) classed as any form of Hunting. Anyone can down an animal using that technique, but it's not hunting !

As a younger person, I was a Hunter. Finding an animal was the 1st challenge. Downing such with one shot was the next challenge, and if that 1st shot missed, you might be lucky enough to get a second shot in. Hunting as such came with challenges, and there'd be no sense of achievement in downing an animal using any form of a "machine-gun".

I ask anyone to give me due justification as to why the general NZ public needs to, or should have access to Military-type weapons.

Guns are made for one purpose only, and that is to kill. Semi-auto and Automatics are made to do that exact same thing, only faster and over a wider area, My bit said.

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Thanks Colin. Well spoken. Is it the thrill of killing, masochist tendencies, a deep seated anger, a reanactment of certain movies! Does it make them feel better killing defenceless animals?

I don't trust Mc Kee one bit!

We have to keep remembering that ACT only got 8.6% of the total votes, yet they have a huge amount of power. The mind boggles. If only Peters hadn't scraped in by 6%... 😱

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I think they've got that power because we have a spineless moron as a PM.

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Aug 16Liked by Bryan Bruce

Extremely disappointing that Gun City in NZ hasn’t been shut down. Absolutely no reason to have automatic weapons available in nz.

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They didn't last a year in sleepy Motueka before they shut up shop and cleared off

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Aug 16Liked by Bryan Bruce

Luxon is weak. I very much get the impression that any controversy related to his coalition partners he tolerates. I wonder what he really thinks? Well never know. He's tied to his coalition agreement, weakly negotiated as he so much wanted to be prime minister. The likes of David Seymour, Nicole McKee etc have been given a mouthpiece to 'power' and addressing their chips on their shoulders. Seymour and his Maori heritage (he doesn't know how to cope with this). McKee with some underlying issues with power. She should not be in the position she's in. I hope Chris Cagill will have some success with his letter. 🤞🤞🤞

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Fyi both Davud Seymour and Nicole McKee are the same iwi.

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Aug 16Liked by Bryan Bruce

It bothers me that the two minor parties have been able to have so much say in changing policy or implementing their specific party policy. They have too much say! Most of these ministers are there only because they are on the party list - their electorates didn't vote them in. I think it would be more democratic if ministers could only be appointed from amongst those actually voted in by their electorate?

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Good idea Liz!

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A brilliant idea, so it will never eventually.

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Aug 16Liked by Bryan Bruce

McKee is blatant in her mission, what is scary is Sermour’s willingness to support policies (that go against his oft cited common sense) to garner a few votes from one-issue voters.

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Yes indeed Keith!

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Aug 16·edited Aug 16Liked by Bryan Bruce

Yet our Prime Minister was (is) allowed to present himself as a great negotiator, with little scrutiny

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Puppet masters in control of Luxcon and the media.

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Wow mind-blowing info there on McKee. We certainly do have a hornets nest of evil doers conspiring for their own interests. A must to kick up a storm when the time comes. Thanks.

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The whole thing is totally undemocratic and utterly reprehensible. She serving a small personal lobby group and not the best interests of the Nation.

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Absolutely Cheryl!

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Appalling, simply appalling!

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Again, wise counsel and so very well worded Bryan . Surely these actions by the 'lethally blind' can be ranked as contribution directly to an imminent public health crisis

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McKee has obviously been well schooled by the likes of the NRA to try and distract by blaming the detachable magazine as the problem - rather than the gun and importantly who may be legally holding it. No suprises she ran rings around Bennett (should stick to game shows). The woman appears to have a dangerous obsession with firearms and should never have been given the powers she has.

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I heard her dad owns a gun shop, so she is being a good little daddys girl. Another coc horrible minister

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