Hi Bryan, I copied your last couple of paragraphs on 3 FB sites - wow never had so many people (60 on one) agreeing with your synopsis. Your articles need to be shown on a national scale?
Thank you Gloria for passing on my thoughts. That's how we start to influence people. I have denied a larger platform which is why I started my substack.
Loved your final summation Bryan. Thanks.
Hi Bryan, I copied your last couple of paragraphs on 3 FB sites - wow never had so many people (60 on one) agreeing with your synopsis. Your articles need to be shown on a national scale?
Thank you Gloria for passing on my thoughts. That's how we start to influence people. I have denied a larger platform which is why I started my substack.
Thanks for shining a light on these matters that largely get sidelined by the me society😏
Thanks for your positive comment Rob
Just too depressing for words.