Aug 12Liked by Bryan Bruce

The privatisation of what Aotearoa has left scares me. Some of us remember a society pre Roger Douglas, we know it was a utopia compared to where we are now, the experiment was a social and economic failure for all but a few, so lets go back. Sadly a lot of voters have never experienced social democracy. I felt that brief moment of 5 million unified and hoped it would stick. The RW worldwide also felt it and big money funded a huge wave of miss and false information to destroy it. The attacks on Jacinda came from that big money because they knew she had unified our country and her alone would be able to build on that unity. We can only imagine what today would be like if we had continued as a team

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Aug 12Liked by Bryan Bruce

Bryan, is the list off public assets that treasury gave to Goldsmith available?

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The future doesn't look bright under this 3 headed monster our government I think Luxon actually likes Acts policies he's happy to let them go for it I hope it helps to bring this govt. down.

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