All of these great people you interview Bryan are the leaders in their fields. I hope Labour etc. are watching your blogs, visiting other leaders to come together with a new pathway. Problem is it will,take a good sell. Thanks again.

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I work in this industry (Freight Forwarding) the debacle over the Ferries is a major problem, we need replacement rail enabled Cook Strait Ferries and we need them now , the Kiwi Rail fleet is only just holding together and the Blue Bridge (Strait NZ) operation has the same issues , and cannot carry Rail.

Yes, we have Coastal shipping options, MSC, COSCO, MAERSK, ANL - which take too long and if their schedules are compromised drop and run leaving your containers a distance away from where they should be. The Premium Coastal option is Pacifica but it costs near on 2 x what the Blue Water option costs... There has to be Government intervention to protect our supply chain.

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What a sensible chap !! Great interview !!

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