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Crime of Passion

Bite sized humour from Producer April Phillips


Judge: Tracey Savage

Prosecutor : Jeremy Nelson

Defense: Fingal Pollock

Mandy Mantis : April Phillips

Script : Bryan Bruce


Judge: Mandy Mantidae Mantis you have been charged with murder how do you plead?

Mandy: zz.zzt ..Not guilty.

Judge: Proceed.

Prosecutor: Mandy Mantis, you have taken the oath to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth  so help you God?

Many: I have. I’m very religious – as anyone will tell you I’m often seen spontaneously praying.

Prosecutor: So.. you are one of the Praying Mantis’s is that correct?

Mandy: zz..zt. I am.

(Slight Pause – sound of lawyer shuffling papers)

Prosecutor: Please tell the Court what happened on the evening in question.

Mandy: zz..zzt..Well, it was a warm autumn night and I was on a tree branch just rubbing my forelegs together and chilling , as you do, when this guy came along and started dancing all around me.

Prosecutor: Did he introduce himself?

Mandy: No, but a lot of guys don’t. He just kept dancing all around me…He was a really really, good dancer. The kind you see on Strictly Come Grasshopper.

Prosecutor: So, what happened then?

Mandy: zz zzt..Well, there was something in the way he moved that got me all excited. I mean..God! I was hot for it.

Prosecutor: You were sexually aroused?

Mandy: Yes I was ..very .. and then..

Prosecutor: Go on…

Mandy: Well, he suddenly jumped on my back and we started doing it.

Prosecutor: Having sex?

Mandy: Yes

Prosecutor: And how did you react?

Mandy: It was very nice at first..really nice..I mean really,really really nice.. but then about half -way through something came over me and I just turned around and bit his head off.

Prosecutor: You bit his head off?… and then what did you do?

Mandy: I ate it.

(Sound of shocked jury muttering?)

Prosecutor : Was this a one off event? Or have you killed in this way before?

Mandy : Um.. I’d say about 20 times before.

(More jury muttering)

Defense lawyer: Objection! May I approach the bench your Honor.

Judge: You may.

Defense Lawyer: Your Honor this admission by my client is clearly having a most unsettling effect on the jury.. we will be calling a Professor of Entomology who will testify that family background issues have played a very large role in my client’s sexual behaviour. Her mother was a cannibal, her grandmother and Great grandmother were cannibals… she is one of 400 children and none of them knew who their fathers were … so I will be arguing in mitigation your Honor that while  my client is filled with remorse, and she has been trying to change her ways, I submit she was not in control of her emotions at the time of the offence.

Judge: So, what’s your suggestion?

Defense: A reduced charge of Manslaughter your Honor with a sentence of home detention in the forest.

Judge: Very well. It is so ordered. (To the accused) Mandy Mantidae Mantis the Court agrees to a lesser charge of Manslaughter. Do you have anything to say before I pass sentence?


Mandy: zz zzt.…um.. Are you a good dancer your Honor ?

You can find out more about writer, producer,director, actor,singer, April Phillips here:


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Bryan Bruce Investigates
My satirical writing and things that make me laugh.