Jun 26Liked by Bryan Bruce

Rich donors & their lobbyists come first, ignore the evidence, keep telling the same old lies as on the campaign trail and don’t let my children swim in polluted rivers!

Cruel, cynical and in power.

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Jun 26Liked by Bryan Bruce

Tons of food, and it is a national disgrace that any of us goes hungry!!

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Jun 26Liked by Bryan Bruce

Love this post! You tell it like it is Bryan! This country produces

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Jun 26Liked by Bryan Bruce

Bang on Bryan. This awful government is blind to morality, reason, evidence and science. It has no moral compass or heart. I despair.

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Jun 26Liked by Bryan Bruce

I get a feeling of disgust every day with this disgraceful and treacherous government😡😏 Watch our mental health issues climb over the next 3 years😢

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Jun 26Liked by Bryan Bruce

Plus we New Zealanders continue to pay huge prices for food produced by our own farmers! So we don’t benefit from growing our own food…

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Thanks Jan and all those commenting on this excellent article. I know it would be a challenge but do you think we could get any traction with a campaign to get our own Farmers to join with ALL NZ to address and demand answers as to why their produce becomes so much more costly between the farm gate and our kitchens?

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Many of the farmers I have met are concerned about climate issues and the cost of food. The problem is that we are export focused as a country when there are other ways to reward our farmers through domestic subsidies.. Would we earn less money as a country? Yes but many Kiwis currently overseas would return to bring up their kids ( as they once did ) and their skills would build up our internal economy to pay for them.

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Jun 26Liked by Bryan Bruce

I think it’s time to investigate Rob….why have our basics- milk and cheese, the production of which NZ as a country has invested in for decades, been priced out of reach for some? Plus, I know from experience NZ lamb can be purchased in the US cheaper than we can purchase here. Just a few examples!

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Liked by Bryan Bruce

Own worst enemy. Recent EU Trade agreements will impose trade barriers if Paris Climate emissions target are not met.

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27Liked by Bryan Bruce

You've taken the very words out of my mouth, Bryan! The fact that the NZ food producing industry at large is anxious not to contribute to the betterment of our country tells me that I do not need to concern myself with "buying NZ", since they do not concern themselves with "feeding NZ". They'd rather pride themselves with "feeding the world". If they were even the slightest concerned with helping out the average NZ Hohepa (Joe) to feed his/her family, I might feel proud too. As it is, I feel antipathy. I feel I live in a country whose ecology, financial and fiscal systems, as well as social systems, are all out of kilter, and most of us are left floundering, not knowing which way is up. Just looking at one particular sector of Farming, i.e. Dairying; it has grown so big that I now see myself as no longer living in the Land of the Long White Cloud, but in the Land of the Long White Milk Lake, mostly controlled by a rogue behemoth company that wants to hock off as much of itself to the most advantageous bidder - not necessarily the highest bidder. NZ produced dairy products that are already so expensive in the local NZ supermarkets, once under foreign ownership, will continue ratcheting up over and over again. Will we shoppers ever get a break? Not while we have the present Coalition in power, paying off their supporting lobbyists.

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Jun 27Liked by Bryan Bruce

Well said Bryan, and well said everyone


We need to stand up to this Neoliberal pro-corporate government and say No, it’s NOT ok.. Cutting Media & Public Services, the Job Cuts & unemployed, Using Fast Track, Urgency & short time frames to bypass democracy, pushing Guns, Tobacco, Mining for fossil fuels, gold or the seabed; Speed changes, Kainga Ora housing, the cancel-culture of equal pay, ferries, the EVs & cycleways, walkways & Rail; eroding The Treaty, workers rights; the beneficiary-bashing & austerity, mega prisons, 3-strikes, Charter Schools & planned privatisation.. none of it is ok!

What can we do about it?

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It’s a very good Question Sue for which I feel there should be an answer as I am the product of a nation that no longer exists. That is where misrepresentation at the level we experienced during the lead up to the election would have been considered almost treasonous. I like to think we can mobilise the vast number who didn’t vote but am aware that might be too late. Our nation is being wrecked at such an accelerating rate that only 10% with all their money will not be destroyed. I do despair.

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Jun 26Liked by Bryan Bruce

Meanwhile, Denmark has announced overnight the world’s first climate tax on livestock of 672 krone (NZ$157) per cow. they are so progressive and forward thinking while we just bury our heads in the sand.

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Abominable ideology they have. No doubt this will be one of many laws which will be kicked out at the next election.

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Jun 26Liked by Bryan Bruce

Yep - the 'Don't look up or over there' mind-set. Very Trump like behavior.

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Jun 26Liked by Bryan Bruce

Right on the money Bryan everyone above has said it all.

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Jun 27Liked by Bryan Bruce

If our government is too ignorant to deal with climate change our export customers will move on to someone who does. What then?

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Surely a prayer at every Matariki meal table this week, that 'the wellbeing of the people you [M.Ps] are elected to serve comes first'....Amen

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