Gareth was a Green MP for 10 years and is now the Director of The Well Being Economy Alliance of Aotearoa which not only examines the neoliberal status quo that drives our current economy but looks a the many alternative economic models we could adopt to have a fairer society.
WeAll have an upcoming conference : Economics in the Public Good ( see details below)
He is is the author of A Gentle Radical, a biography of the late Greens leader Jeanette Fitzsimons which was published two years after her death in 2022.
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It’s time to redesign our economy to deliver wellbeing for nature and all our people.
Join us at the Economy for Public Good Conference in Pōneke Wellington, we’ll weave a shared purpose for moving beyond a broken ‘business as usual’ economy.
If you’d like to build bonds and share ideas with people inspired to create an economy where people and nature thrive, this one day hui is for you.
The conference will feature Dr Katherine Trebeck as international keynote speaker, thought leaders discussing the big ideas for Aotearoa 2040, practitioners sharing stories of the new economy in action, and in-depth interactive training and breakout sessions.
Tickets for this in person conference are set at only $100 and numbers are limited.
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